The best way to share the Gospel using Paper!


Memory Cross Affiliate Program

Affiliate programs can be a great way to earn extra money.  Whether you have a Facebook page, Instagram, Pinterest, blog or website that caters to Christians or who are interested in Fair Trade Products, this affiliate program should be a good fit for you.

Share a Sale

Share a Sale is one of the most respected affiliate programs in the world.  

Memory Cross offers a free sample pack (we ask that the customer pay a small shipping free of around $3.00) to visitors so they can see for themselves how effective this card really is in sharing the Gospel.  Once they order their free sample pack they'll be tagged as your customer.  

Sign up is free and just takes a minute.  Click here to learn more.

 Share a Sale 

The video shows how Memory Cross works. 

A portion of the profits from this site supports the Foundation Center of Helping Hands Orphanage and the Good Samaritan Medical Clinic in Barahona, Dominican Republic.

Foundation Center of Helping Hands Orphanage

In 2015 we added Fair Trade products to our website.  This was a result of mission trips that Mike Vitamvas had taken overseas.  He saw talented artists who had limited access to markets struggle to make a living.  

Fairtrade opens up a global market to artists from third world countries which allows them to grow their business and hire additional staff, changing lives in the process. Prices are set by the artists themselves who are paid promptly for their goods.

The video is an example of how Fair Trade is helping to change lives.

Sign up today.  Start earning additional income, spreading God's Word and changing lives.

Sign up now