The best way to share the Gospel using Paper!
The Great Commission: Why Christians Should Share the Gospel

The Great Commission: Why Christians Should Share the Gospel

As recorded in Matthew 28:18-20, the Great Commission is one of the most important commandments given by Jesus Christ to his disciples before he ascended to heaven. As a result, Christians are called to share the gospel and make disciples of all nations. In this blog post, we will discuss the reasons why it is essential for Christians to share the good news and how this practice can transform lives.

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Was COVID good or bad for churches and what does the future look like?

Was COVID good or bad for churches and what does the future look like?

COVID had one of the biggest short term impact on church attendance in the 21st century.  Was it good or bad?  Certainly in the short term lower attendance and giving and consolidating of activities is not a good thing, but good things come out of bad.  Many churches have figured out how to reach new people on line or now through personal outreach.

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Living a successful life

Living a successful life

Life can be difficult but remember you are not alone.  Even with the mistakes that you will make along way, God still loves you and has a plan for your life, a good plan.  If you want a life filled with challenges, love and guidance,  follow God.

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Roman Road for Kids

Roman Road for Kids

The Roman Road for Kids is a origami tract that explains God's plan of salvation using a very unique endless loop design.  Available in English, English and Spanish, English and Haitian Creole, and English and Romanian.  Can be used for mission trips, Sunday School, VBS and outreach events.  The card allows kids to color it, which not only makes it theirs but gives them more time to read the words.

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