The best way to share the Gospel using Paper!

Christmas encouragement pack for children

$ 5.95 USD

Christmas Pack for Children

This year so many things are different.  Most likely in your state Christmas events at church have been canceled.  That is why we've created a pack of Memory Cross cards that can be mailed out to kids from your church.

Each pack contains a tract called "Do you know how much God loves you?", two Christmas stories, a God's love never ends, a Jesus Calms the storm, which can be used to talk about how Jesus can help us through this difficult time,  and a blank card that kids can use to color whatever they want. 

The pack also contains an envelope for mailing.  Just include a message to your kids and put in the mail.  There is an option to include crayons also.

Each card folds like the video shown below.  It's a simple way to let kids know that God loves them this Christmas.