The story of the prodigal son is found in Luke. It tells the story of a man who had two sons. The younger one asked his father for his share of the inheritance and off he went to another country to "live it up with parties and women." As always happens he went through his money, just as a severe famine was going through the country.
After spending time feeding pigs with almost nothing to eat he decided to return to his father and ask that he might work as a hired hand, not worthy to be counted as a son. His father however rejoiced in the return of his son and had a celebration.
The story shows how God celebrates our return (and our love for us), even though we have wasted part of our life that God has given us.
This amazing story is now available in English and Spanish. It can be used either domestically or taken on a mission trip.
I love these memory cross witnessing tools with “Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except thru me.” Not only is it a critically important verse from the Bible, but it is presented in an interesting way that opens up the conversation leading to sharing it.
I love these Christmas cards and they are a great witness to people that I’m trying to gently share. God‘s love with. this is the second year. I’m sending out these Christmas cards. We also ordered the Halloween tracks for trunk or treat the kids Just love them. thank you so much. Keep going for God💖
I handed out the 10 commandment memory cross and all the kids loved It! They wanted more to give to their friends! They said it was a fidget paper 10 commandments! I was cool and into where the kids are at with their friends at school. Bulk pricing for more tracts needed in every area for kids for VBS, etc. Thank you Memory Cross.
I love the blank memory crosses. I have used them for many different crafts to demonstrate a repeated loop for understanding a story or set of scriptures. The kids always enjoy them, and the versatility makes them a “go-to” for giving children’s church lessons a fun activity. I like the large ones best, but the small ones are fun too.
Our trick or treaters all receive this gospel tract with their candy. It's eye catching and fun to use so we believe kids will use it many times, share it with family and friends and keep it around.
We get to share Christ with about 250 kids on Halloween. Praise God