10 Reasons Why Your Church Needs a Blog
10 Reasons Why Your Church Needs a Blog
While many churches have websites, not all have blogs that are regularly updated with relevant posts. You may ask, is there a difference?
There is, in fact, a big difference between a website and a blog. For starters, a website is mostly static; it does not need to be constantly updated, unlike a blog. A website is also usually corporate and business-like, while a blog can be personal. Finally, interaction happens in blogs and not usually in websites.
I’ll stop the lecture right here and go back to the matter at hand: your church needs a blog, and here are the 10 reasons why.
- A blog can reveal a church’s heart.
Most websites already contain enough information about the church, but blogs can be their testimonies. This is because blogs are personal and usually manifest the church’s faith and beliefs. A single blog post can show if a church’s teachings are biblical; sometimes, a single blog post can raise red flags because it may focus more on personal happiness rather than on the Word. Remember: a blog reveals a church’s heart!
- A blog can answer questions.
People, whether members or not, usually raise faith-based questions from time to time. Through a blog, a church can easily answer them while still giving a venue for interaction.
- A blog can address pertinent issues.
Also from time to time, issues arise that can either strengthen a person’s faith or de-motivate him. An example is the rampant persecution of Christians in some countries in the Middle East. Through a blog, a church can deliver its stand on these serious issues.
- A blog can entice people to join the church.
While a church can explicitly invite people to join it, a blog’s content can be a factor in enticing them. Because a blog is usually publicly accessible, one can browse through the posts to determine whether the church is a right fit for him.
- Members can interact with each other through a blog.
Blog posts usually have open comment sections, and members of the church can freely exchange views and interact with each other through these. Even people who don’t belong to the church are free to express their opinion via the comment section.
- Church leaders can also interact with the members.
Through an open comment section, church leaders can also interact with their members, helping the former guide the latter even in an online setting.
- Updates are more easily publicized through a blog.
Whenever a church holds events, which can be often, its blog is a good place to deliver announcements. Through blogs, even members who are currently out of town can stay updated!
- A blog allows its members to share their own insights.
Some blogs allow guest posting where a member of a community can publish his own thoughts. I believe this is a good venue for churches to understand their members’ insights; this also encourages members to explore their hearts and thoughts regarding Christianity.
- A blog can promote the church.
Of course, blogs should be listed in search engines; because of this, a blog can promote a church. For example, a person who has just moved to a town can easily search the web for a church near him. The church’s blog may come up in this search, which can encourage this person to visit it.
- A blog can strengthen the faith of its members.
Finally, any church should take care of all of its members, and this should go beyond the church’s physical structure. Too many young people today are led out of the church because of what they see and read on the internet. We are too often exposed to sex outside marriage, drugs, and violence. But a Christian blog gives people a good option, a far better option when they are on the internet. An enticing blog and well-written posts would hopefully keep these members grounded in the faith and keep them thinking of God’s Word and the Christian way of living.
Bonus reason: A blog is easy to make and manage.
If you are still having doubts about setting up a blog, let me tell you this: making and managing a blog is not difficult at all! There are many free platforms available; I personally prefer Wordpress, but there are other equally good options such as Blogger and Weebly. You only need to set up an account, which usually just calls for your email address and password, enter information about the church, and then start writing and publishing. You can either keep it simple or look for a professional team to do the design for you.
At the end of the day, it’s what you write that matters. A blog is so important because it serves as your church’s testimony and it will help strengthen your members’ faith. It should be a reflection of your faith and should seek to glorify God always!