We often rely on the Bible to teach children Biblical values, and that’s not a problem at all. In fact, we should use the Bible to teach children not only values but also essential truth such as Grace and Salvation. But it also certainly helps to reinforce these lessons with activities that will capture the attention of a young audience and engage them. Here are some ideas that you can use to teach children whether at home, in church, or in school.
- Honesty
Honesty is one of the most important values we need to learn and, usually, it is one of the values we first teach to children. However, telling a lie is something that we all find hard to resist. This lesson aims to teach children the lasting effects of telling a lie and what we need to do to redeem it.
You can read the entire lesson here.
- Set Apart
Children also need to learn and understand that as Christians, we are set apart not in a way that we are above everybody else but in such a way that we are not of this world. This means that we should no longer be attached to sin and worldliness but should be committed to a life of holiness. This lesson illustrates the concept and makes it easier to understand.

You can read the entire lesson here.
- Faith
Like us, children also encounter struggles and experiences that challenge their faith. Also, like us, it can be easy for a child to lose faith and succumb to fear and anxiety. This lesson focuses on Jesus calming the storm when the apostles were afraid, reminding us that Jesus is stronger than a storm and what we think is a calamity is a mere speck to him.

You can read the entire lesson here.
- Obedience
Ah, obedience. This, for me, is the foundation of all of the values we teach children. Without learning and understanding obedience, it would be hard to make them understand the importance of knowing God, reading the Bible, and living as Christians. This lesson does not only teach the value of obedience but also show children the good that comes out from doing it.
You can read the entire lesson here.
- Armor of God
Another very crucial concept that children should learn early on is the concept of having a spiritual armor from God that protects us from temptation and sin. However, the need to have an armor that is unlike the usual physical armor may be hard for children to understand. This lesson helps children comprehend how it works and why we need it.
You can read the entire lesson here.
- Salvation
One of the most important truths that the Bible contains is the truth of Salvation. As adults, we need to understand the concept accurately, but while this lesson does not offer a perfect representation of the truth, it does give children a good idea of its core: Jesus died on the cross but rose again and now lives in Heaven to take away the sins of the earth.
You can read the entire lesson here.
- Overflowing Love
Finally, all of us, young and old, need to know in our hearts that God’s love and mercy are overflowing. For children especially, this kind of immeasurable love is hard to grasp, so it pays to use a straightforward illustration. This lesson provides this and teaches children the nature of God’s love and how we can be filled with it.

You can read the entire lesson here.
Because you’re here, I’m sure you also want the best for your children or your students. The Bible is the best, the only place to start, but these lessons and activities also do well in reinforcing lessons. What children’s church lessons do you use?