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Teaching kids about the story of Moses

Teaching kids about the story of Moses

Teaching kids about the story of Moses

The story of Moses – Lessons to teach kids

If you grow up attending Sunday School, you know that the story of Moses is one of the most taught and most familiar stories in the Bible. You know about the story of the baby in the basket, 10 plagues, the 10 commandments, God’s miracle in the Red Sea, the water flowing from the rock for the people of Israel, the golden calf and many more stories related to Moses. We learned so many lessons from the story of Moses that we never forget. Moses is one of the well-known leaders in the Bible and his life has always been God’s instrument in helping the Israelites free from the bondage of Egypt. Children can learn so many lessons from the life of Moses which is why we continue to retell the stories to children.

Today, the Story of Moses is still one of the stories most often taught in Sunday School. Over the years, the churches and Sunday School organizations have come up with so many innovations and ideas to make our Bible lessons a fun-filled one. Here are some resources, activities, and crafts that we can use in teaching the life of Moses to our little ones.

1. Ready-to-print Lesson Plans

Lesson plans are the first things to bear in mind in preparing for Bible lessons during Sunday school. Thankfully, there are many organizations and churches that have created some great resources that help children learn the lessons of Moses. They offer free lesson plans we can use to help us get started with our lesson for our little ones. Most of them have an outline, bible verse and activities we can do in church to help kids remember the verses and the lessons easily.

A. Baby Moses in the basket free lesson plan from Ministry to children.
B. Moses and the burning Bush lesson plan from Kids Sunday School.
C. Lesson plan about The 10 Plagues from Bible Fun for Kids.
D. Crossing the Red Sea lesson plan from Sunday School Center.
E. Moses and the 10 commandments from DLTK’s Growing Together.

2. Craft Ideas

Memory Cross has three origami coloring cards that teach children about the life of Moses plus a number of cards about the 10 Commandments.  Each card has four panels that make an endless loop.  The video below shows how each card folds.  To order free samples, click here.  The cost is only $3.00 for shipping and handling (in the USA).

2. Activity ideas

Activities after bible lessons are what the children look forward to. Children are known to be energetic and we want to take advantage of that by giving them wonderful activities after the lesson that will help them remember the bible lesson even more. Activities are very effective in repeating the lessons to the children without them getting bored. Below are some activity ideas we can do for our children:

A. Baby Moses in the Basket

Baby Moses in the Basket Craft


Activity: Baby Moses Sensory Play
Source: Michelle Paige

Materials Needed: For small baby baskets – Paper towels, Juices boxes, plastic tapes, material scraps, glue sticks & glue guns, popsicle sticks, sharpies

  1. Have each kid drink a beverage.
  2. Wrap brown material over the top half and the sides of the box.
  3. Glue the material in place.
  4. Adhere the plastic tape over the seam of the material all the way around the box.
  5. Using sharp scissors cut a small rectangular opening on the top of the box. Have each child dry out their box with a paper towel.
  6. Have each child use a small piece of felt to wrap up a broken popsicle stick to make Baby Moses and have each child draw on two eyes and a mouth on the popsicle stick.
  7. Have each child make a bed for Moses with a cotton ball then put Moses in the basket. Have the kids decorate their baskets using Sharpies.

For the river – Big water tub, blocks of Styrofoam, fake plants and water.

  1. Fill a great big plastic tub full of water for ‘the river’.
  2. Load blocks of Styrofoam with greenery to hide the baskets.
  3. Have each child try out their basket making sure they floated in the water.
  4. Review the lesson and talk about God’s protection to Moses while he was in the basket.


Story of Moses Craft

Activity: Paper Bag Fall Tree
Materials Needed: Brown paper lunch bag, Scissors, Glue, Paper (Fall colors)
Source: Pikadilly Charm

  1. Cut lunch bag into half inch strips. Start at the opening and cut halfway down the bag.
  2. Open the bag and stand it up.
  3. Hold the base of the bag with one hand and twist the middle of the bag to create the trunk of the tree.
  4. Twist two of the bag strips together to create branches.
  5. Rip strips of colored paper into tiny pieces and glue them all over the branches of the tree.

C. The 10 Plagues

Story of Moses Coloring Page


Activity: Drawing and coloring the 10 Plagues
Materials Needed: Pencils, crayons

  1. Download this free coloring sheet  and reproduce to distribute to the kids.
  2. Assist the kids while they draw and color their worksheets.

D. Crossing the Red Sea

Story of Moses Craft


Activity: Re-enactment of crossing the red sea
Materials: plastic blue tablecloths, an outfit for Moses and the Israelites, Moses’ rod
Source: Bible School Teachers

  1. Retell the story and have one child act as Moses.
  2. Ask assistance from the helpers to hold the plastic blue tablecloths.
  3. Have “Moses” raise his rod and the helpers raise the “waters.” Then let the children who were not Moses cross on dry land.

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