Trunk or Treat - Evangelism, Gospel Tracts & Reaching Children & Parents
If your church is having a Trunk or Treat think past the candy that will be given away to ways in which you can share the Gospel with children and their parents plus invite them to other activities and services at your church.

Over the last 10 years, Trunk or Treats have grown in popularity and churches have been leading the way. Trunk or Treats provide a safe place where children can get dressed up and go Trick or Treating without parents being concerned about their child's safety.
Many churches have added other things besides Trunk or Treat such as food, music, games, entertainment, hay rides and even movies.
A Trunk or Treat is an excellent way to let adults know what else is going on at your church and even share the Gospel with both the children and adults. Unless your church has a festival at another time of the year, a Trunk or Treat may be the day most visitors come to your church. Take advantage to reach out, which usually takes two paths.
The first is by simply having one car hand out Gospel tracts along with candy. I've listed some of Memory Cross Halloween Gospel tracts at the end of this post, but there are plenty of others available.
The second is by creating a simple hand out that tells what children's activities take place at your church and inviting them back. It can be as simple as a black and white flyer or if you are looking for something more polished consider a business card printed on both sides.
Some churches that can control access to the parking lot have also created check-in booths where they hand out this information and provide a sign-up sheet for people who want to be reminded about other activities going on at the church. A sign-up sheet will be the most effective if logistics allow it because you'll then be able to reach out to people who have expressed an interest in knowing more about your church.
If you do have a sign-up table, make sure you have enough so the line does not back up.
I hope this short post designed to help you think about outreach and evangelism during a Trunk or Treat will be useful. If you have comments or ideas that have worked well for your church be sure to post them in the comments section.
If you would like to see our full line of Halloween Tracts, click this link.