The best way to share the Gospel using Paper!

Thank you for your service Gospel Tracts 24 per pack

$ 16.95 USD

Sharing the Gospel with your server 

Want to make someone's day while sharing the Gospel?  This new, revised Memory Cross card does just that.  Eating out, picking up something from the store, going through the drive-thru?  If you received good service, hand them this card.  

Because so few people thank others for the service they receive and even fewer take a moment to write a note, this Memory Cross card will stand out, and people will keep it.  They will show it to their co-workers when they figure out its unique design.  There is even a spot on the back panel where you can write a little note. 

If they want to know more about what God has done for them, there is a link to the web, which they can access by typing in the URL or scanning the QR code.

It measures 3.5 x 2 inches, the same size as a business card, so it's easy to carry in your purse or wallet.  

Jesus said to go into all the world and share the Gospel (Mark 16:15), Which is an easy way to plant a seed.  You never know.  We've included two videos below.  The first is a couple discussing how one simple card planted a seed that changed their world, and the second shows how each Memory Cross card folds. 

One simple card changed their world.

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