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The Story of Abraham, Sarah and Issac - 12/Pk size: 6 x 6

$ 15.95 USD

Abraham Bible Story Coloring Pages for Kids  

 Copy on each panel is as follows:

Panel 1:  When Abraham was 75 years old the Lord appeared and told him to move to a new land.  Abraham obeyed God. - Genesis 12:1

Panel 2: God told Abraham that through him every family on earth will be blessed. - Genesis 12:3

Panel 3: God said Abraham would have many descendants even though at the time he had no children - Genesis 14:16

Panel 4: When Abraham was 100 and his wife Sarah was 90 God gave them a son, Isaac.  Many generations later through Abraham's family tree, Jesus was born and God's promise to bless the world through Abraham came true.  - Genesis 21: 1-5

God has a special purpose for your life.  Jeremiah 29:11, Philippians 2:13, Romans 8:28, and Matthew 5:13-16.