ABC Memory Cross Tract 25 per pack. A fun kid friendly way to share God's love
ABC Memory Cross Gospel Tract for Kids - size: 3 3/8 x 3 3/8
Here is the copy on each panel:
Panel 1: ABC Memory Cross - ABCs of Becoming a Christian. A - Admit. Admit to God that you are a sinner. Repent, turning away from sin. (Acts 3:19). B- Believe. Believe that Jesus is God's Son and accept God's gift of forgiveness from sin. (Romans 5:8). C- Confess Confess you faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. (Romans 10:9-10,13)
Panel 2: What Does the Bible Say About Becoming a Christian? God loves you (1 John 4:10). Sin separates you from God. Sin is choosing my way instead of God's way. Sin separates people from God. (Romans 3:23) God sent Jesus so you would not have to die for your sins. Jesus died on a cross, He was buried and He rose from the dead (John 3:16)
Panel 3: Is it time for you to become a Christian? God's Holy Spirit will help you know if you are ready to become a Christian. If it is that time, pray a prayer such as the following...
Panel 4: Dear God, I know I have sinned and that my sin separates me from You. I am sorry for my sin. I believe Jesus died on the cross for me so my sin can be forgiven. I believe Jesus rose from the dead and is alive. God, please forgive me. I ask Jesus to come into my life and be my Savior and Lord. I will obey You and live for You the rest of my life. Thank You. Amen.
If you are working with children and want a creative way to present the Gospel, then this might be the Christian tract you are looking for.
Free Sample pack
Want a sample first? Click the button below and we'll get a complete sample pack out to you. Be sure to ask for a sample of the Jungle Jaunt ABC Memory Cross tract. We'll also include other cards in the sample pack like Scripture memory cards and Bible story coloring cards. We send the sample pack out free but we ask that you pay $3.00 to help defray the cost of shipping and handling. To order click the button below.
Guarantee Definition: Noun. A formal promise or assurance that certain conditions will be fulfilled, especially that a product will be repaired or replaced if not of a specified quality and durability. Our promise: Each Memory Cross card comes with a 100% money back guarantee. If you are not happy for any reason we will refund your purchase price plus shipping costs.
Let customers speak for us
from 502 reviewsI love these memory cross witnessing tools with “Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except thru me.” Not only is it a critically important verse from the Bible, but it is presented in an interesting way that opens up the conversation leading to sharing it.

I am very pleased with these Memory Cross cards. I have included them in some of my Christmas cards.

I love these Christmas cards and they are a great witness to people that I’m trying to gently share. God‘s love with. this is the second year. I’m sending out these Christmas cards. We also ordered the Halloween tracks for trunk or treat the kids Just love them. thank you so much. Keep going for God💖

I handed out the 10 commandment memory cross and all the kids loved It! They wanted more to give to their friends! They said it was a fidget paper 10 commandments! I was cool and into where the kids are at with their friends at school. Bulk pricing for more tracts needed in every area for kids for VBS, etc. Thank you Memory Cross.

I passed out the Bible tracks at an event. They are the perfect items to catch a young Readers attention really kid friendly will be buying more

The way that the children locate the message if fun and interesting.

I love the blank memory crosses. I have used them for many different crafts to demonstrate a repeated loop for understanding a story or set of scriptures. The kids always enjoy them, and the versatility makes them a “go-to” for giving children’s church lessons a fun activity. I like the large ones best, but the small ones are fun too.

I love all of the memory crosses! Such a great tool to use in evangelism.

I add these to the candy that I give out for trick or treaters.💕

I like the fun design of the product! My kids too!

Our trick or treaters all receive this gospel tract with their candy. It's eye catching and fun to use so we believe kids will use it many times, share it with family and friends and keep it around.
We get to share Christ with about 250 kids on Halloween. Praise God

Absolutely love my key chain. I even bought one for each of my kids!

This is one of only two English/Spanish cards I'm aware of, and it looks to be a winner, especially to young girls, however, it will be fine for young boys, probably not older ones. That's just my opinion. I get little to no feedback on the ones I pass out.

We are enjoying this in our Children's Ministry! The kids love it!

These envelopes are heavy duty and wonderful; will definitely buy again when necessary!!

Awesome!!! Love them....
Love them all, and I appreciated your help with my order.
You have an awesome business..
I love the idea of the product and had previously used them in Vacation Bible School. However, these were sealed with the wrong front page. I had to break the seal and fold to get them correctly aligned. Once the seal is broken, they do not appear to be new. I just wanted to give you feedback on something that needed to be corrected.
Thanks for the materials. It was quick and the followup was excellent.
I haven't used it yet. I buy a pack each year to use with my first grade boys VBS class in addition to the materials we get from Lifeway.
We just received our order of the ABC Memory Cross cards and are very pleased with them. This is a top quality product. We will train our class of 3rd. through 5th. graders to use them in presenting the gospel to their friends and family. This is a very kid-friendly tract with just the right amount of scripture to for the age group. I only wish that the price could be better. We got ours on a half price special that fit the budget better, but they still cost too much to buy enough for the kids to have a bunch to give out . Our plan is for them to keep a copy to share their faith with their friends, and a regular tract to give out.
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Awesome!!! Love them....
Love them all, and I appreciated your help with my order.
You have an awesome business..
I love the idea of the product and had previously used them in Vacation Bible School. However, these were sealed with the wrong front page. I had to break the seal and fold to get them correctly aligned. Once the seal is broken, they do not appear to be new. I just wanted to give you feedback on something that needed to be corrected.
Thanks for the materials. It was quick and the followup was excellent.
I haven't used it yet. I buy a pack each year to use with my first grade boys VBS class in addition to the materials we get from Lifeway.
We just received our order of the ABC Memory Cross cards and are very pleased with them. This is a top quality product. We will train our class of 3rd. through 5th. graders to use them in presenting the gospel to their friends and family. This is a very kid-friendly tract with just the right amount of scripture to for the age group. I only wish that the price could be better. We got ours on a half price special that fit the budget better, but they still cost too much to buy enough for the kids to have a bunch to give out . Our plan is for them to keep a copy to share their faith with their friends, and a regular tract to give out.
Awesome!!! Love them....
Love them all, and I appreciated your help with my order.
You have an awesome business..
I love the idea of the product and had previously used them in Vacation Bible School. However, these were sealed with the wrong front page. I had to break the seal and fold to get them correctly aligned. Once the seal is broken, they do not appear to be new. I just wanted to give you feedback on something that needed to be corrected.
Thanks for the materials. It was quick and the followup was excellent.
I haven't used it yet. I buy a pack each year to use with my first grade boys VBS class in addition to the materials we get from Lifeway.
We just received our order of the ABC Memory Cross cards and are very pleased with them. This is a top quality product. We will train our class of 3rd. through 5th. graders to use them in presenting the gospel to their friends and family. This is a very kid-friendly tract with just the right amount of scripture to for the age group. I only wish that the price could be better. We got ours on a half price special that fit the budget better, but they still cost too much to buy enough for the kids to have a bunch to give out . Our plan is for them to keep a copy to share their faith with their friends, and a regular tract to give out.