Do Christians need to memorize Scripture?

Is Scripture memorization important?
The memorization of the Scriptures is a very important part of the life of every Christian. This is simply because the Bible contains everything we need in our walk-in faith as well as in our fight against sin. The Bible, which is God-breathed, is our most powerful spiritual guide, if not the only spiritual guide to trust.
This is precisely the reason why every Christian must be very familiar with the Bible and memorize the Word of God. Christians have the responsibility to know exactly what the Bible says on everything in order to make sure everything we do is in accordance with what is truly right. Of course, it is difficult to memorize the entire book, as Christians, it is our responsibility to know in our hearts the key verses in it. This is the only way toward knowing the truth.
The purpose of memorizing Scripture is to learn to love God and people more. Paul says I can have all knowledge but without love I am nothing - 1 Corinthians 13 paraphrased.
What does the Bible say about Bible memorization?
The psalmist who wrote Psalm 119:11 says this: “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” This simply but effectively portrays the relationship between reading and memorizing the Scriptures and fighting sin: without doing the former, it is almost impossible to do the latter.
In Joshua 1:8, we receive this command: “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” This verse tells us that we should not only read the Bible but also meditate on it and carefully follow it to be successful.
2 Timothy 3:15 reaffirms the nature of the Bible through these words: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” This verse attests to the credibility and reliability of the Bible as God’s word and God-breathed, which means that it is not only powerful but also alive. Therefore, to fully understand what God wants us to understand, there is a need for Bible memory.
Let me share with you a statement that I saw while reading a website one day, which has a truly resounding meaning: “What good does it do to believe ‘the Word’ without any remembrance of the words?”
How to memorize Scriptures?
Bible or Scripture memory is ideally a process that begins early with children because the Scriptures will serve as the foundation of their faith. Also, at this age, it may be much easier to memorize key verses and remember them. To help children memorize their verses, tools such as Bible memory cards, such as Memory Cross’s Bible Memory packs, and Bible memory games are important.
However, if you became a Christian during adulthood, do not fret. Even I became a Christian when I was already 20 years old, and this is not an excuse to not memorize verses. On the contrary, while it is more challenging, there is even a greater need for us to “catch up” and know the Bible as thoroughly as we can. More than ever, we need to fully know the Bible to equip ourselves and understand the nature of God. To do this, here are methods that we suggest:
- Bible Memory Cards
Bible memory cards are simply cards and posters that mostly have Bible verses printed on them. Some, like blank Memory Cross cards, are intentionally made blank for the parent or teacher or actual person memorizing to choose his own verses. The advantage of all memory cards is that they are simple and straightforward; however, for cards that are static and flat, children may easily lose interest in using them.
2. Bible Memory Games
On the contrary, Bible memory games are usually more fun and interactive than memory cards. If you search online, you will see so many different suggestions such as Bible memory board games, sports like soccer tweaked to include the Scriptures and even table games that can be played while waiting for an order. A lot of them are available on Amazon. I've included a link here. Again, games are usually fun, but the downside is that a child may get used to the “fun” way and refuse to learn to read the Bible by himself and meditate on the Word.
3. Bible Memory Apps
There are also a lot of Bible memory apps available. Similar to Bible memory games, these are usually fun to play with and are interactive. A quick Google search reveals apps like Bible Memory: Remember Me and BibleMinded. But also similar to games, getting a learner used to apps may discourage him from reading the actual Bible in the future.
Clearly, each method of Bible memorization comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. It is up to you to weigh each option; however, we recommend a combination of all three methods. Use memory cards as your standard method of learning to acquaint the child with verses and limit distractions. Sometimes, include games to add “spice” to learning. I would also go as far as saying that Bible memory games are the best games to play during playdates! And occasionally, use apps whenever you are on out and about and feel like memorizing Bible verses.
Another good resource is Scripture Memory Fellowship. The site is focused solely on helping you memorize Scripture.
Finally, to help you get started with Bible memorization, here is a list of Scripture memory resources and organizations that you can try:
- Memory Cross
- Jafe Publications
- She Reads Truth
- Rainbow Resource
- Fighter Verses
- Hope in God
- True Light Christian Store
- MemVerse
Finally, if you enjoy reading I recommend a book by Francis Chan called Multiply. It covers more than memorizing Scripture but that is an important part of the book.