How to Host Trunk or Treats amidst Pandemic
It’s Trunk or Treats Season!
It’s a fun event that every family is looking forward to attend every year most especially the little ones! But with the global pandemic this year, Trunk or Treats might look a little different. But more than ever, now is the great time to host an event that might bring joy and shine light in these dark times.
But before you start planning your Trunk or Treat, we highly recommends that you read and understand first these guidelines from Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. It is always good to adhere to protocols for the safety of everyone.
Here are some ideas on how to plan and host a successful COVID-19 style Trunk or Treat:
Open a Clear Communication
To have a successful, fun yet also safe Trunk or Treats, communication is the key. Make sure to include in your planning your venue set up, signage to explain the flow of traffic during the event, and an event advertising that will open a clear communication to your attendees on the do’s and don’ts during the event day. Remind also the participants to gently remind their children the new set-up for the event this year. This will help set an expectation to the children as they are the ones who are most excited for Trunk or Treats.
Place your Event Outdoors
The CDC recommends outdoor activities for it has lower risk than indoor ones. Place your event venue outside (which may mean alternative dates in case of rain) and be sure to adhere to social distancing protocols. Trunk or treats hosts can wave from the trunks of their cars while each of their cars should be spaced as much as possible.
Control the Number of Participants
As much as we want an open event, the World Health Organization suggests to host small gatherings. This can be done by having attendees sign up for a time frame to attend. If the event plans to have 30 cars, possibly allow 30 families to attend per half hour. One advantage of this is that people preparing their trunks will know the number of trick or treaters that plan to attend and they’ll be able to buy treats accordingly. Just make sure to fully implements and monitors the stagger arrivals and departures of the participants, the sign up information of the participants, and the appropriate signage within the venue like marking the floor to keep people apart.
Remind Everyone to Wear a Mask and Sanitize
Make it mandatory that everyone mask up during Trunk or Treat day. It’s not a big problem though since most of the participants especially the little ones are already wearing masks as part of their costumes.
Make it also mandatory for the participants to be given a squirt of hand sanitizer before the trick or treaters begin. You could encourage the parents to bring their own and place it beside their treats station or you could also pass out small bottles of sanitizers to each family that will check in your venue or you can be more creative and put up a decorative and fun sanitization station for everyone. Just make sure to mark the floor for the line to the sanitization station.
Be sure that your volunteers are also wearing their masks and practicing social distancing.
Set Up Treats Table
It may be best to skip the bowl of treats to pass out this year so the trick or treaters aren’t all reaching into the same bowl. Instead, encourage the participants to set up a table for their treats six feet in front of their decorated car. They can prepare prepacked candies or snacks or treat bags on their treats table for the kids to pick up. They can also lay out craft kits or activity gift packs for the kids to enjoy.
Set Up a Gospel Tracts Station
If you are hosting a Trunk or Treats for your church, don't forget to invite your community. Just make sure to let them know about your new set up. And while you are at it, don't forget the most important thing - a Gospel Tracts Station wherein you can give away Gospel Tracts along with your prepacked goodies and treats. It's one great way to let them know that they are welcomed and loved.
All of these may sound tedious to prepare but we can always turn up this terrible situation for the best. What is important is that we learn to cope up with these difficult times and who knows, we might be able to create more new pandemic-friendly traditions!
Get your FREE PRINTABLE CHECKLIST and THINGS YOU NEED to host a Trunk or Treat for this year!